Here are some of the highlights from Newton Ferrers C of E Primary School on their Torbay & Devon Civic Award 2019/2020
Alice Oldman
Alice has helped to organise a charity event for ‘Caritas’. She worked hard to create the ‘Welcome Packs’ for the event and greeted attendees with a winning smile!
Alice is House Captain of Scott House. To achieve this role, she had to write a speech which she gave to the entire school. The children then voted her as their House Captain. Her duties have included collecting the house points, organising a charity day to raise money for her chosen charity, MediCinema, and setting an excellent example of shining behaviour and sportsmanship to the younger children.
In her spare time, Alice has a range of hobbies including baking. She enjoys experimenting with new recipes but has a favourite chocolate cake recipe which she used to bake a wonderful chocolate cake for our school cake raffle, raising £26.
Lily Hoare-Hambly
Lily has embraced active citizenship both inside and outside of the school. In school, she has undertaken a range of roles including Head Girl, Eco Leader and she is a member of Ethos Club. Her duties have included reading in church, writing letters to help to improve the school, giving tours around the school and helping the younger children in a variety of ways. Outside of school, Lily has tried to improve her local area by litter picking and writing letters about environmental issues to Boris Johnson.
In her spare time, Lily loves to take part in water-based activities such as scuba diving and surfing. She is also a keen reader, musician and she enjoys going to the theatre. During lockdown, Lily discovered a new hobby- writing poetry. During this time, she read one of her poems live on Radio Devon and had another published on Joe Wick’s website.
Quote from Lily- “I enjoyed the challenge of the Civic Award, although it was a lot of hard work and responsibility. It has boosted my self-esteem as I didn’t think that many people/businesses would contribute to our prizes but almost all that I wrote to did, and I was really surprised at their generosity. I think that it is a really good set up for the Duke of Edinburgh Award. I am really glad that I took part.”
Matilda & Charlotte Thompson
Matilda has supported charities for breast cancer, animals and Children In Need through taking part in sponsored runs, sponsored swims and asking for donations rather than birthday presents!
In school, Matilda has taken on the role of Head Girl and Buddy. Her duties have included leading games for the younger children at break times, organising sports equipment, conducting a reading in church and helping the younger children to settle into school.
During lockdown, Matilda has cooked and delivered food to the elderly members of her community as well as delivering their shopping.
In her spare time, Matilda loves to keep active playing netball and she has also discovered her love of baking. She has taken part in a weekly ‘bake off’ with friends and shared these cakes around the community.
Charlotte has been an active citizenboth inside and outside of school. Charlotte is one of our Head Girls and also a Buddy. Her duties have included leading tours of the school for parents, leading a project on recycling, reading in church and helping the younger children around the school. Outside of school, Charlotte has helped to make and deliver food to her elderly neighbours during lockdown.She has also raised money for the Primrose Foundation through a sponsored run.
In her spare time, Charlotte loves to take part in ‘Extreme Baking’ which is a ‘Bake-Off’ style activity with friends. She has mastered a range of recipes but her current favourite is Bakewell Tart!
Will Jones
Will has played an integral part of the Year 6 leadership team. In his role as Head Boy and Buddy, he has raised the profile of technology in the school and shared his expertise with other pupils and the staff! He has also created a range of games for the younger children to play at break-times, as well as representing the school at our local church.
In his spare time, Will is a great team player for his netball team and he is also a keen musician. He enjoys playing the baritone in the school brass band.
Quote from Will: “ I enjoyed raising money for Cat’s Protection and selling items on the stall.”
Will teamed up with Lily raising £230 for Cats Protection.